Longboard Wheels
{% if products.length > 1 %}{{ products.length }} results{% endif %}
- Carver Roundhouse Mag 78a Longboard Wheels - Indigo - 70mm
- Carver Roundhouse Mag 78a Longboard Wheels - Shell White - 70mm
- Carver Roundhouse Slick 83a Longboard Wheels - Green Glo - 65mm
- Powell-Peralta Snakes 82A Longboard Wheels - Blue - 66mm
- Carver Roundhouse Concave 78a Longboard Wheels - Glass Green - 69mm
- Carver Roundhouse Slick 83a Longboard Wheels - Orange Glo - 65mm
- Powell-Peralta Snakes 82A Longboard Wheels - Yellow - 69mm
- Venom Magnum Mach 1 Formula Cobra Core 74a Longboard Wheels - Red Print - 78mm
- Orangatang Beefcake Freeride 86a Longboard Wheels - Yellow - 73mm
- Orangatang Beefcake Freeride 80a Longboard Wheels - Orange - 73mm
- Orangatang Beefcake Freeride 83a Longboard Wheels - Purple - 73mm
- Seismic Axom 95a Longboard Wheels - White/Orange - 55mm
- Dano's Downhills Longboard Wheels 70mm - 78a Blue
- Seismic Axom 97a Longboard Wheels - White/Blue - 55mm
- 88 Wheel Co Viper Freeride 76a Longboard Wheels - Yellow - 70mm
- Boa Constrictor Race 76a Longboard Wheels - Yellow - 100mm
- Powell-Peralta Primo 75a Longboard Wheels - Green - 69mm
- Powell-Peralta Primo 82a Longboard Wheels - Blue - 66mm
- Powell-Peralta Primo 75a Longboard Wheels - Red - 69mm
- Arbor Spud Axel Serrat 82a Longboard Wheels - Black - 64mm
- Powell-Peralta Primo 82a Longboard Wheels - Yellow - 66mm
- Seismic Alpha 78a Longboard Wheels - Mint - 75.5mm
- Orangatang Dad Bod 77a Longboard Wheels - Blue - 105mm
- Orangatang Caguama Longboard Wheels - 85mm 77a Blue
- Orangatang Love Handles Offset Freeride 80a Longboard Wheels - Orange - 65mm
- Orangatang Kegel Longboard Wheels - 80mm 83a
- Powell-Peralta Snakes 75A Longboard Wheels - Red - 66mm
- Orangatang Kegel Longboard Wheels - 80mm 80a
- Orangatang In Heat Longboard Wheels - 75mm 77a
- Venom Hard In The Paint Harlot Longboard Wheels - 71mm 80a
- Orangatang Fat Free Longboard Wheels - 65mm 77a
- Venom Cannibal Longboard Wheels 76mm 78a Red Core
- Orangatang Durian Freeride Longboard Wheels 75mm 83a Purple
- Seismic Hot Spot 77a Longboard Wheels - Bubblegum - 76mm
- Orangatang Durian Freeride Longboard Wheels 75mm 80a Orange
- Orangatang 4 President Longboard Wheels 70mm 80a Orange
- Orangatang Fat Free Freeride Longboard Wheels 65mm 83a Purple
- Orangatang Stimulus Longboard Wheels - 70mm 77a
- Seismic Tantrum 82a Longboard Wheels - Clear Purple - 72mm
- Orangatang In Heat Longboard Wheels 75mm 83a Purple
- Powell-Peralta Snakes 75A Longboard Wheels - White - 66mm
- Cloud Ride Slusheez Longboard Wheels - 62mm 78a
- Arbor Vice Daniel MacDonald 78a Longboard Wheels - Black - 69mm
- Arbor Suave Axel Serrat 80a Longboard Wheels - Black - 58mm
- Arbor Spud Axel Serrat 82a Longboard Wheels - White - 64mm
- 3DM Cambria 82a Longboard Wheels - Clear Blue - 62mm
- Arbor Vice Daniel MacDonald 78a Longboard Wheels - White - 69mm
- Venom Curb Stompers Longboard Wheels - 61mm 82a
- Venom Cannibal Longboard Wheels 72mm 78a Red Core
- Remember Optimo 74a Longboard Wheels - Yellow - 70mm
- Remember Hoot Slide 78a Longboard Wheels - White - 70mm
- Rayne Envy V2 77a Longboard Wheels - Teal Jelly - 70mm
- Powell-Peralta Snakes 82A Longboard Wheels - Yellow - 66mm
- Powell-Peralta G-Slides 85A Longboard Wheels - Red - 59mm
- Hawgs Supreme 78a Stone Ground Longboard Wheels - Black - 70mm
- Hawgs Cordova 90a Longboard Wheels - 57mm
- Hawgs Cordova 82a Longboard Wheels - 57mm
- Cloud Ride Iceeez 78a Longboard Wheels - Blue - 59mm
- Cloud Ride Cruiser 78a Longboard Wheels - Clear Red - 69mm
- Cloud Ride Cruiser 78a Longboard Wheels - Clear Purple - 69mm
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({{ product.reviews.count }})
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Loading Products
Urethane, sweet sweet urethane! We offer an enormous selection of longboard wheels! Looking through here you are bound to feel like a little kid in a candy store. Wheels are the bread and butter of a longboard setup when it comes to technical performance. Different wheels offer different performance characteristics and they can completely change the way your board rides. Picking certain Orangatang Wheels will allow you to slide with ease while staying in complete control of your board. Something like Hawgs or Sector 9 Off-set Race Formula wheels are going to be much grippier at higher speeds and better for racing. Also, take a look at all of the Blood Orange Wheels. Take your time, browse our wheel selection, and find yourself the perfect product!
Never have wheels had as much importance in longboarding as they do today when freeride and downhill skaters defy gravity while bombing and sliding down some of the world’s biggest hills. Wheels are classified by three main characteristics: size, shape, and durometer (how hard the wheel is).
For size, wheels with a smaller diameter will accelerate off a start line faster and grip well in corners, but wheels with a bigger diameter will roll faster on a straight path.
When it comes to shape, wheels with a lip will grip; and wheels with a rounded edge will slide with ease when you command it sideways. These different shapes can be “center set” to maximize symmetry while freeriding or "side set" to assist in the grip of a turn.
As for durometer, choosing the right “hardness” of wheel will make all the difference in your ride. The majority of skateboard products are created on the A scale, a scale that is designated for softer products. A lower number signifies a softer wheel, and a higher number signifies a harder wheel. For longboarding, a common soft durometer is anywhere from 78a-84a and for street skateboarding, the common hard durometer is between 98a-101a. There have been a few ventures into the harder ‘B’ category for some tech sliding wheels — and with technology constantly advancing in these fields, we are excited to see what will come.