Skateboard Decks
Skateboard Decks
{% if products.length > 1 %}{{ products.length }} results{% endif %}
- Santa Monica Airlines PC Skateboard Deck - Blue Stain - 9.50"
- Santa Monica Airlines Pat Ngoho Skateboard Deck - Purple Stain - 9.50"
- Santa Monica Airlines Humpston Dream Catcher Skateboard Deck - Red Stain - 10.125"
- Santa Monica Airlines Pat Ngoho Skateboard Deck - White Formica - 9.50"
- Dogtown Jesse Martinez 1987 Guadalupe Handshake Reissue Skateboard Deck - Brilliant Silver Full Dip - 10.00"
- Zero Arunski Wedge People Skateboard Deck - 8.50"
- Dogtown Eric Dressen Street Reissue Skateboard Deck - White Full Dip - 10.00"
- Dogtown PC Tail Tap 70s Rider Skateboard Deck - Sky Blue Full Dip - 8.375"
- Powell-Peralta Per Welinder OG Freestyle Skateboard Deck - Navy/Gold - 7.25"
- Powell-Peralta Steve Caballero Mask Skateboard Deck - Blacklight - 9.75"
- Shorty's Turner Guilty Reissue Skateboard Deck - 8.25"
- Limosine Snake Pit X Skateboard Deck - 8.60"
- Foundation Push Contact Skateboard Deck - 8.25"
- Limosine Morph Cyrus Bennett Skateboard Deck - 8.25"
- Limosine Hail Fail Aaron Loreth Skateboard Deck - 8.25"
- Ballad Collective Logo Deck Skateboard Deck - 8.375"
- Powell-Peralta Bruce Lee Skull And Numchucks Skateboard Deck - Yellow - 10.00"
- Limosine Morph Cyrus Bennett Skateboard Deck - 8.50"
- Thank You David Reyes Smokin Cowboy Skateboard Deck - Green - 8.25"
- Traffic Toynbee Skateboard Deck - 8.125"
- Limosine Sharpie Slick Skateboard Deck - Assorted Veneer - 8.50"
- Powell-Peralta Flight Skeleton Skateboard Deck - Silver Foil - 8.25"
- Hockey Welcome Home John Fitzgerald Shape 1 Skateboard Deck - 8.25"
- Scram Pop SU24 Skateboard Deck - 8.75"
- Limosine Dream City Karim Callender Skateboard Deck - 8.38"
- Scram Book Skateboard Deck - 9.50"
- Blood Wizard Outer Realms Comic Skateboard Deck - 8.50"
- Anti-Hero Classic Eagle Skateboard Deck - Green - 7.81"
- Hockey Epiphany Nik Stain Skateboard Deck - 8.44"
- Hockey Epiphany Nik Stain Skateboard Deck - 8.25"
- Anti-Hero Classic Eagle Skateboard Deck - Cream - 8.62"
- Limosine Temptress Max Palmer Skateboard Deck - 8.25"
- Limosine Temptress Max Palmer Skateboard Deck - 8.38"
- Hockey Behemoth Kevin Rodrigues Skateboard Deck - 8.50"
- Traffic Sayres Cloud City Skateboard Deck - 8.50"
- Limosine Heart Throb Hugo Boserup Skateboard Deck - 8.38"
- Powell-Peralta Flight Skeleton Skateboard Deck - Red Foil - 8.38"
- Powell-Peralta Flight Skeleton Skateboard Deck - Gold Foil - 8.63"
- Welcome x Beetlejuice Carousel On A Widow Skateboard Deck - Red Dip - 10.00"
- Welcome x Beetlejuice Showtime Skateboard Deck - Black/Purple Dip - 8.50"
- Alien Workshop Spectrum Skateboard Deck - 7.25"
- Toy Machine Bury The Hatchet Symmetrical Skateboard Deck - 8.00"
- Zero Single Skull Skateboard Deck - 8.25"
- Zero Single Skull Skateboard Deck - 8.50"
- Alien Workshop Spectrum Skateboard Deck - 8.75"
- Alien Workshop Visitor Skateboard Deck - 8.00"
- Alien Workshop Visitor Skateboard Deck - 8.50"
- Baker Brand Logo Skateboard Deck - White - 7.56"
- Santa Cruz Classic Dot Skateboard Deck - 7.75"
- Santa Cruz Classic Dot Skateboard Deck - 8.00"
- Santa Cruz Classic Dot Skateboard Deck - 8.375"
- Santa Cruz Screaming Hand Skateboard Deck - 7.80"
- Santa Cruz Screaming Hand Skateboard Deck - 8.00"
- Santa Cruz Screaming Hand Skateboard Deck - 8.25"
- Santa Cruz Screaming Hand Skateboard Deck - 8.375"
- Santa Cruz Screaming Hand Skateboard Deck - 8.60"
- Santa Cruz Screaming Hand Skateboard Deck - 8.80"
- Toy Machine Bury The Hatchet Symmetrical Skateboard Deck - 8.50"
- Toy Machine Devil Cat Skateboard Deck - 8.38"
- Toy Machine Monster Skateboard Deck - Assorted Stains - 8.00"
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{% endif %}{{ productTitle }}
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If you’re building your own skateboard, it means two things: 1) you’re awesome, and 2) you need a deck that fits your feet like a cozy pair of socks. Daddies Longboard Shop has a massive assortment of skateboard decks for all riding styles and experience levels. We are the leading store in Portland for skate decks — and anywhere online, for that matter. If you want a Welcome skateboard deck, an Anti-Hero skate deck, a Primitive deck, or one from our dozens of other brands, come to Daddies before you shop anywhere else.
We stock an array of popsicle skate decks and shaped decks in widths of all sizes, from narrow 7.5-inch skateboard decks to larger old-school 10-inch decks for cruising and bowl skating. And, of course, the decks have graphics that every skateboarder can appreciate. Shop skateboard decks at Daddies if you’re looking for quality skate gear, great prices, and the best customer service from an online skate shop.