Axis Flagship 40" II Longboard Complete
{%- for badge in productBadges -%}
{%- if product.tags contains badge.tag and badge.tag != 'more-colors' and badge.product_badge != blank -%}
{{ badge.product_badge }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
Axis Flagship 40" II Longboard Complete
{% if product.subtotal %}
{{ product.subtotal | money | remove: ' ' }}
{% else %}
{% assign discount_amount = variant.price | divided_by: variant.compare_at_price | times: -100 | plus: 100 | round %}
{% assign discount_threshold = 10 %}
{% if variant.available %}
{{ variant.price | money | remove: ' ' }}
{% if variant.compare_at_price > variant.price and discount_amount > 10 %}
{{ variant.compare_at_price | money | remove: ' ' }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ variant.price | money | remove: ' ' }}
{% if variant.compare_at_price > variant.price and discount_amount > 10 %}
{{ variant.compare_at_price | money | remove: ' ' }}
{% endif %}
Sold Out
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% assign discount_amount = variant.price | divided_by: variant.compare_at_price | times: -100 | plus: 100 | round %}
{% assign discount_threshold = 10 %}
{%- capture discount_text -%}
[discount]% off
{%- endcapture -%}
{%- if discount_amount > discount_threshold -%}
{{ discount_text | replace: '\[discount\]', discount_amount }}
{%- endif -%}
{% if sizeChart %}
{% unless sizeChart.option %}
{% if sizeChart.button_label %}
{{ sizeChart.button_label | capitalize }}
{% else %}
Size Chart
{% endif %}
{% if sizeChart.btn_color and sizeChart.btn_color %}
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
{% endif %}
FAST SHIPPING. Orders placed by 3pm ET will ship out the same day if placed on a business day. Details here.
FREE SHIPPING. On orders $75+. Details here.
RETURNS. On Clothing, Shoes, & Accessories. Clearance items (prices in red) are final sale. Details here.
Included Components:
Included Components: {{ activeTier.title }}
- {%- if filterIncompatible == true or filterIncompatible == false -%} {%- endif -%}
{% if loading and products %}
{% endif %}
- {%- if filterIncompatible == true or filterIncompatible == false -%} {%- endif -%}
{% if loading and products %}
{% endif %}
- {%- if filterIncompatible == true or filterIncompatible == false -%} {%- endif -%}
{% if loading and products %}
{% endif %}
Assemble Board?
{% assign product = Neptune.products[0].product %}
{% if product.options_with_values[0].values.size <= 1 or product.tags contains 'no-default-option' %}
{% else %}
{% if product.current_option != "" %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% assign display_wishlist = true %}
{% for tag in %}
{% if product.tags contains tag %}
{% assign display_wishlist = false %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if product == blank %}
{% assign product = Product %}
{% endif %}
{% if display_wishlist %}
{%- if wishlist == blank -%}
{% assign wishlist = | map: 'handle' %}
{% if wishlist[0] == null %}
{% assign wishlist = data.items | map: 'handle' %}
{% endif %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- assign p_title = product.title | replace: '"', '”' -%}
{%- capture wishlist_add -%}
handle: '{{ product.handle }}',
type: '{{ product.type | escpae }}',
image: '{{ product.featured_image }}',
params: _n.urlparams.toggle(),
{%- if variant -%}variant: {{ | json }},{%- endif -%}
title: `{{ p_title }}`
[this, _n.sibling(this, '.wishlist__button')].forEach(function(button) { button.classList.toggle('dn')});
{%- endcapture -%}
{% endif %}
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